Holden is 3 months old- I just can't believe it! We truly feel like he's always been in our family and already can't remember what it was like before he was born.

A few things about Holden:
- He is VERY content. He goes with me everywhere and never complains. The only times I hear him cry are when he's hungry or needs a diaper change.
- When you look at him he smiles. Even if he's been crying, all you have to do is get him to open his eyes and once he sees you he grins the biggest grin- it melts my heart!
- He loves to hold on to your shirt when your carrying him. He has quite the tight grasp, too! I love to see his little fingers gripping his blanket or my shirt- it's picture perfect.
Here are all the boys at 3 months. Do you think any of them look alike?

Holden at three months (already?)


I was browsing through some of our pictures and realized that I have a shot of Elic and Holden in the same little Halloween shirt. More people say that they think Holden looks like Elic- what do you think?


Regardless of who Holden looks more like, he loves both his big brothers. They are great helpers and entertain him if he ever starts to cry. Saturday morning I walked into the living room to find this scene. Isn't it precious?

I'll end this post with a clip of Holden. He's just begun to find his voice. He cheering on the Cowboys!