Our computer got a NASTY virus that eventually won and we had to rebuild and start over from scratch. Needless to say, I'm a little behind on my posts. We had several fun days celebrating the Halloween season. The first was our "Spook-tacular Saturday" with Brookie. I love to have Brooke over because she will joyfully participate in my crafts, all day long. We started the morning off with Halloween shaped pancakes (sorry I don't have a picture). The kids got to pick which cookie cutters they wanted to use to turn their breakfast from ordinary to extraordinary. Next on our list, pumpkin decorating. We painted and colored small pumpkins and even a few large squash.

Brooke's black cat

Holden was in heaven shaking the paint pens.

He even tried to help Elic decorate his squash.

Activity #3- sticker stories. Everyone was so creative in using the stickers to make pictures.

And what kind of "spook-tacular" day would it be without a little spider hide and seek? They each took turns hiding this scary guy outside and trying to be the first to find him.

After all that running around it was time to have a little "Hocus Pocus Potion"! This was really good. What's not to love about orange sherbet, vanilla ice cream and blueberries? And when we layered it, it actually looked like the sample in the recipe picture! Halloween cheers!

As if that wasn't enough sugar, we had candy pizza for a snack- yes a snack not lunch.

Can you say SUGAR RUSH?!

We ended our time together with more playing outside, reading Halloween stories and even a hot-dog for lunch. Thanks Brooke for a "Boo-tiful" time!
Nana wanted to join in the Halloween spirit and invited us over for a fun-filled afternoon. They boys were greeted with goodie bags.

Isn't that a great haul?
Mom and Papaw worked hard to get their house decorated for our time together.

The bats hanging in front of the house might have rabies- they just have that mangy look about them.

This was Holden's favorite toy. The ghost lights up, moves up and down and sings- perfect for my dancing prince.

Nana and all her lil' pumpkins!

There were treats like Frankenstein cookies for the big boys. . .

and pumpkin shaped mac-n-cheese for the littlest one.

Nana even had a pinata. Darren was the brave one who held it since it was raining outside and we couldn't find a place to hang it inside.

Holden gave it his best shot.

Bubba was able to break it open

and the older two were in heaven gathering up all the goodies.

Holden had more fun wearing the pinata than partaking in it's treats. Thank you, Nana, for a wonderful evening of all treats and no tricks!