A walk down memory lane.

First birthday

Turning two




How can it be that my first born turned six in March? Him starting kindergarten was hard enough! We celebrated, and celebrated, and then had one last celebration just to make sure we had it all covered. We started with a birthday sleep over, a first for us. The original plan was to go bowling, but I forgot about Friday night being league night and when we were told there wasn't a lane available until 10pm, we opted for plan B. First, we hit the Dollar Store where each child bought a special treasure. Funny thing is, they all got the exact same ninja.

Here are the boys ready for a fun night out on the town.

Next stop, McDonald's. We didn't go to just any McDonald's, but to a fancy safari one in Richardson.

Our table was set inside a really cool jeep and after devouring their food, the boys ran and played until they were all exhausted.

They watched a movie and had pop corn while Darren set up their tent for sleeping.

It's a good night when Preston comes down the stairs and asks us, "You want us to go to bed now, don't you?" because he was so tired.

And amazingly, they all went right to sleep. Of course they were up at the crack of dawn, but that's fine with me. The night was so fun- to hear them telling jokes and making up elaborate stories with their toys. Can't wait for the next sleepover. Celebration part two- gymnastics party.

We invited a few friends from church and school and all the family to join us at The Gymnastics Place for an energetic time of running, jumping and playing games.

The foam pit is always a favorite. I don't think Kara left this pit the entire party.

Holden just might have a future in gymnastics. He had no fear and was so brave jumping off the platforms.

Preston was so embarrassed when we started singing that he covered his ears and wouldn't look up at any one- silly boy!

Preston's actual birthday will probably always be on Spring Break, which is why we did his party the weekend before, so people would still be in town. On his special day, he awoke to a trail of 6s that lead to a few gifts from Darren and I.

I made him a birthday shirt, but I have to say, when he put it on, it looked out of place. I think he's finally too old to wear appliqued shirts and that makes me really sad because it's another reminder that he's growing up.

It was music to my ears when he requested Corner Bakery's cinnamon cake for breakfast!

We ended his day with a trip to good ol' Chuck E. Cheese. Nana, Gram and cousin Autumn and Aaron joined us for the craziness.

You have to watch these two!

Elic and Preston loved this simulated game. They must have ridden it at least five times.

Holden LOVED his first trip to Chuck E. Cheese. He's already asked to go there for his birthday.

Preston, you amaze us every day. You are compassionate and loving toward your brothers. You are excelling at school and we love to see your enthusiasm for writing and reading. You have gone through some tough trials this year where you've really had to mature and decide if you're going to be a leader and choose to do what is right, even when the other choice seems like more fun. We can't wait to see how you will benefit the kingdom of God. You love to retell stories from the Bible and we pray that you will always have a strong desire to follow Christ. Happy Birthday, Bubba! We love you a barrel and a heap!