We started our Easter weekend by traveling to the farm. We always have to announce our arrival by ringing the dinner bell.

After being in the car, the boys were so excited to stretch their legs and climb on everything!

First stop- pool table. What is it about rolling the pool balls and hearing them clank together? Holden found the best seat in the house, right in the middle of the table. If only we had kept a tally mark chart of all the times fingers have been smushed while playing at that table.

Since it's spring, we had to hop in the truck and go visit the new baby calves.

The boys are getting braver each time we feed the cows.

I'm looking forward to my cousins Stacy and Sarah coming to visit us this summer. I've already got a long list of activities for them to help me with!

Papaw and Nana made the trip to the farm with us. The more hands we have to help, the better. After a fabulous meal (Grandmother really out did herself), the boys were treated to an egg hunt.

Next up, coloring eggs.

I think this was the first time any of my boys had dyed eggs and it was a big hit.

So hard to wait for the perfect color.

No time to waste, we're moving on to baking and icing bunny cookies.

We were so thankful for Grandmother opening up her home and giving us the royal treatment. We sure tried to pack everything in to our short trip.

Easter morning we made our traditional Resurrection Rolls. I love all the symbolism that goes into making the rolls and the visual reminder that He has risen!

I didn't get a picture of the end result with the empty roll because they were quickly devoured.

After church, we headed over to David and Linda's house for another wonderful meal and egg hunt.

The kids were sweet to let us have a mini photo session before any of the fun started.

After one year of marriage and they still look like models!
Once the pictures were taken, we had the cousin egg hunt. Unfortunately, Holden was napping so he missed the whole event, but he doesn't know.

Elic liked to check his eggs and make sure they were worthy of keeping.

Some where way up high. . .

and some were way down low.

Overall, we had a terrific weekend spent with lots of family and focusing on the greatest gift we've ever received- life through our risen Savior!