Holden LOVES books. I often will find him alone in his room "reading" all through out the day. I tried to catch him in the act, and although you might have to turn the volume up to hear him, I think he's doing a great job! At least now we know what to get him for his birthday.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
This just in. . .
Friday, June 24, 2011
Happy Father's Day!
We just returned from California where we visited Legoland (so much fun!) and I'm working on that post, but for now here is one of my favorite pictures from the trip.
We kicked off Father's Day a little early by meeting Darren's parents, Shawn, Kim and the kids at Babes for dinner Saturday night. What's not to love about Babes? There's fried food, fluffy biscuits, loud atmosphere (so my kids fit right in) and dancing to boot!

Two of the dads being celebrated.
Every dinner should include the hokey-pokey. My favorite part of this picture is Elic's pout (on the far left).
Darren woke up to a few treats from his boys (and me). He loves rootbeer and I thought the tag was super cute.
Sprites with ties- perfect for our tie-riffic dad! The kids made him a coupon book and gave him an itunes gift card that they are hoping he'll use to buy more games for them to play on his phone.
Every holiday needs a banner and I think this is one of my all time favorites (such fun colors).

The main gift we got each of our favorite dads- Darren, Pops, Papaw and GranDan was this updated shot of the boys. This scanned version doesn't do it justice because it really turned out so cute. I think it shows each of their fun little personalities.
After church on Father's Day, we went to Uncle Shawn's house for a pizza lunch and some swimming.
Little Miss Autumn is quite the swimmer. She was giving my boys a few pointers on how to put your face in the water.
You really have to watch Holden because he has no fear of the water. He loves to jump in and sometimes even jumps when no one's there to catch him (YIKES!)

I realized after we got home that I didn't take one picture of Darren and all his boys. Sounds to me like we need another family photo shoot so I can take care of that! Darren, you are an amazing husband and father. Thank you for being such a Christ-like example everyday for all of us. Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 18, 2011
From Kindergarten Graduation to High School Graduation
I really can't believe that my niece Samantha graduated from high school a few weeks ago. I was 16 when she was born and truly spent most of my high school weekends babysitting her. She will be a freshman at A&M next fall- WHOOP!!! We are so proud of her and all her accomplishments. We traveled with all kiddos to Denton to watch her walk across the stage to receive her diploma.
She's the one in red (haha)!
That's her at the beginning of the stage. . .
. . . and there she is getting her diploma.
We brought lots of things to entertain the boys while we waited, but really the ceremony went quick- as quick as it can when you're graduating class has over 600 in it.
Sam picked a fun little pizza place on the square in Denton for us to eat and celebrate with her until she needed to head home to get ready for Project Graduation. Boy, that really brings back memories for me!

People have always said that they think Samantha and I look alike and how I wish that were true. She's super thin, gorgeous, and very fashionable!
Elic and Holden fell asleep while driving the 5 minutes to the pizza place, so we switched off sitting in the truck with them while the other parent ate and enjoyed the family time. Congratulations Samantha! We're so proud of you and can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for your future!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Kindergarten Graduation
Where has this year gone? I can't believe that Preston just finished his kindergarten year at school. We had so much fun celebrating with him at their graduation ceremony. When they entered the gym to "Pomp and Circumstance" I did tear up. They sang several sweet songs and performed their kindergarten cheer (which you can hear at the bottom of this post). The principal, Mr. Speck, sang "What a Wonderful World" and the kids did hand motions behind him- I mean so beautiful! Then, they had each class stand up individually and introduced each classmate.

Here are Preston's fans that came to support him:
The class gave Mrs. Behymer a notepad made of crisp, new $1 bills- such a cute idea.
Mr. Speck, who we just love.
We ended the fun by having milk shakes and playing at Chick-fil-a.
Preston, we are so proud of you. You love to write super hero stories and make crazy creations from paper- what an imagination you have! It's so fun to watch you notice words every where around you. Your brothers love to have you read to them and it's fun to see you teach them things you have learned in literacy centers at school. Congratulations Bubba! First grade, here we come!
Elic's Sunshine School Program
Elic finished his year in the 3s at Sunshine school with a picnic program. All the three year olds were adorable sunshines. It was so cute to see them walking into the auditorium while "walkin' on sunshine" was playing.

Here is his class. Elic has been with several of these friends since he was 8 weeks old! Very special friendships.
These are a few of his playground buddies. Everyday I heard all about them playing super heroes together.
This was taken on the first day of school. . .
. . . and here is Elic with Mrs. Becky at the end of the year. We are so thankful that Mrs. Becky came to Sunshine school. Elic loves to learn and knows all his letters, their sounds, can count to 50 and write his numbers 1-10. I think he's in a great place to come upstairs with me next year to the 4s!
Nana and Papaw came to watch the program. Darren videoed the program so I don't have any pictures of Elic on stage. He sang every word and even stayed focused while a little girl behind him played with his hair. We're so proud of our almost four year old!
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