It's hard for me to believe that Holden is one!! This past year really has flown by. We have been so blessed to have Little Bit added to our family. To celebrate his birthday we had a Splish, Splash rubber ducky blast.

I've always admired the banners I see on etsy so I decided to try and make one. I won't show you the one I was modeling this one after (since it didn't quite turn out like I had originally planned) but over all I was happy with the final product.

I found a duck ice cube tray and had to have it! I made ice for three days so that we could enjoy blue ducks in our drinks.

Isn't that just adorable?

It's a tradition at our house to get a candle as a party treat for first birthday's.

Look at that precious face!

What would a rubber duck party be with out blue punch and floating duckies?

Brotherly love.

For the Splish, Splash portion of the party we enjoyed the water table (a birthday gift from Gram and Pops) and a few water toys outside.

Aaron showed Holden a great way to enjoy the water table- sitting in it is much better than standing up around it. After a few family photos . . .

. . . we opened gifts. Holden was much more involved in this process than any of my other kids were at their 1st parties. He loved opening the gifts and then actually played with the toys and not just the boxes or paper that they came in.

I love the expression on his face as he explored the first toy.

Then it was time for cake. This was suppose to be a giant cupcake, but I kinda messed up and iced the whole thing so you can't even tell what it's suppose to be. O-well, I'll know better next time.

Holden was so cute while we were singing happy birthday to him. He grinned the whole time but got real shy and put his head down on the high chair.

Everyone helped blow out the candles.

I have always wanted my kids to dig into their cakes- but not one of them ever has. We even undressed Holden so he could get messy and he wouldn't touch the cake. Even after having some icing put in his mouth he still wouldn't try it.

Can you tell what part of the cupcake Elic likes?

Holden was much happier with the duck sugar cookies.

Aunt Kim brought this great parachute for us to play with. Look at the joy on Holden's face as balloons bounced all around him and the parachute flapped up and down.

We certainly wore him out. He took a 3+ hour nap after all our guests left. Here are a few fun facts about Holden:
- He drinks milk now and only wanted it from a sippy cup so we are formula and bottle free!
- He eats as much as the other two boys- we are definitely going to have to increase our grocery budget. I've already had to start buying the family size of certain items and we never have leftovers from meals. Some of his favorite foods include green beans, Mrs. Stephanie's broccoli, grapes, bananas, mac-n-cheese, and any flavor of yogurt.
- He is just starting to venture out and take a few steps on his own. He prefers to hold your fingers, but every day he seems to be trying more on his own.
- Holden would play in the dog's water all day if you let him. If he's ever quiet I know that he has made it into the laundry room and is splashing away in their bowl.
- He's still a great sleeper. I've kinda forced him down to one nap a day, because I needed all three to be on the same schedule so I can have a little time to myself in the afternoons. Bedtime is so easy with him, just sing a few songs and lay him down and he's good until around 7am.
- He loves to play with his brothers. Especially with the super hero figures. Anytime he's holding one he'll make a noise (which sounds a lot like static) but to him it's just like the noises his brothers make when they fight bad guys.
- Holden has a lovie animal blanket that he chews the tail of. I like to watch him feel all over the blanket until he finally gets the tail, and then he pops it into his mouth.
- I've never had a child mimic as much as Holden. Words, noises, motions with hands- he tries them all. The boys love to try and get him to copy them.
- He gives the best hugs and kisses. Once he starts giving those fun open mouthed kisses, he just can't stop.
We feel so fortunate that the Lord has lent us Holden. Our family wouldn't be complete without him. We can only imagine what the future holds for him. Happy 1st Birthday Little Bit! We love you.
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